I cannot sleep

now it is only one night befor my first concert

Meat at the Milky Way - drums

Amateur and Keyboard

Where is Milky Way

today we will move to Milky Way

for going there you need a stage manager and a driver

elivator to Milky Way

where is Meat?? I can only find a drawing from himyou need as well an elivator in Milky Way...there are a lot of possibilities and there is Meat


it is very difficult to become a concert specialist
my head is full
my life is rehearsing, rehearsing........

sometimes I think back, dream myself away to NY where I was an amateur , happy and free

Amateur nearly drowned in rehearsals

real drums...that is a dream...

after listening to Meats superslideskills, I now have to go into fine-keyboard-tuning

horsethoughts are helping me

Meat says that sometimes it is important to put of your shoes